Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Church Christmas Party

Before the Christmas break, we were able to attend our wards Christmas party. It was a lot of fun to get to hang out with our ward and to show off our cute little one.
I love that the flower is about as big as her head!

Maia's first visit with Santa!


On December 8th we had a chance to go to Monticello and see Thomas Jeffersons house. It was a beautiful day and Maia was a champ! She slept the whole time.
We were on the shuttle that takes you up to the grounds.

How Maia stayed the whole time.


This piece of land is beautiful and I can understand why it is loved so much.

I couldn't belive that in december they were still growing their garden.

We had the option to take the shuttle back or walk and we decided to walk. Along the walk is the Jefferson cemitary. It was pretty neat that it is still a working cemitary for decendants of the owners of Monticello.


These trees had there branches growing out of the ground.


Maia obviously enjoyed the ride too!

New Born Pictures

I had a fun time taking pictures of Maia and she was a really good sport. Here are some of the best photos (out of the 500 that I took). I am totally in love with this girl and I might be bias but she is so cute!!


Week 2 in pictures