Friday, October 31, 2014


For Halloween this year Maia and Kassia were dressed up as owls. I am biases but I think they are the cutest little owls ever. Maia had a lot of fun with her costume to begin with and Kassia was a good sport with it all. 

Kathy, Terry and I took the girls over to Eric and Kathryn's that evening to do some trick or treating with James and Julia. 

James was such a cute construction worker. 

And Julia was a cute little mouse. 

When we actually got to the trick or treating part all Maia wanted to do was run. She wasn't very interested in the trick or treating part. 

Since Sean was in Ohio, we tried to get him involved by face timing with him and agian Maia could have cared less but James was interested.

There she goes again. 

Eric was very helpful with Kassia. I really wasn't feeling verry well so it was wonderful to have the help.

That Pumpkin sang "Thriller" and Maia and James loved to dance to it. 

They also loved the leaves and had to stop and play in them before we could move on. 

Cute little owl snuggles.

Cutting the ground and learning how to play together. 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

sunshine and playing

We needed a little bit of fresh air so we headed outside to play in the back yard and in the leaves. It was fun to watch Grandpa Dahlin and Maia play and explore.

Kassia and I enjoyed the sun and warm fall breeze. It was wonderful to be outside and it was good for my soul and my body.

Random picture of my foot. Luckily I was able to get out enough this year to have a little bit of a tan line on my foot.

Me and the babe. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

playing around

The weather has been fantastic this week so Brit took Maia outside to play with the leaves and to get out of the house. 

Maia is really cute with Kassia and loves to lay with her. It doesn't last long as Maia's attention span is very short but I love seeing them interact. 

Maia LOVES to brush her teeth and then pretends to spit out what is in her mouth. 

Since the weather has been so nice we took the chance to go to the park and then have dinner afterwards.

Maia sure loves to hang out with her Grandparents and I'm glad that she gets to spend so much time with them. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Carving Pumpkins

The Monday before Halloween we had a dinner in a pumpkin and after dinner we stayed at the table and then carved a pumpkin. It was Maia's first time to carve a pumpkin and I think she really enjoyed it. 



Maia was really interested in helping cut out the mouth. She worked on one spot for quite a while 

Helping scoop out the guts...

The final product...

While Terry, Kathy, Maia and I were carving the pumpkin, Brit and Kassia were napping. It's a little hard to tell but they are so cute snuggling together.