Thursday, January 28, 2016

A long over due update

I know I have been pretty quite for the last few months and there is several reasons for that. Between traveling and learning about how my body is changing, I have not been motivated or had the concentration to blog. I do need to let you all know how I have been and I think it is fitting to post today, as it is SMAS awareness day.

This week a year ago, on the 22nd I went into surgery to bypass my superior mesenteric artery and duodenum. I went into the surgery very hopeful that I would be able regain my ability to eat and not throw it bake up. I had been counseled that the recovery would take a lot longer then the 6-8 months the surgeon had said it would, like at least a year, but I thought that I was strong enough that it wouldn't take me that long. Then 10 days later I ended up back in the operating room to fix a late post operative bleed. The more I have reflected on this, I have come to the conclusion that this second surgery set me back more then I ever gave it credit.

Fast forward a year, I still rely on tube feeds to get enough calories and hydration to survive. I have put on about 8 pounds and am stronger then I was. Because of my tube, I deal with chronic abdominal pain and that probably wont go away till the tube is removed. I also deal with quite a bit of fatigue and although there is a lot I can do, if I do too much in a day, I pay for it the next day.

My treatment plan as of right now is to get me to be able to eat and drink enough to not need the tube feeds anymore. To do this I have been seeing a physical therapist who specializes in scar tissue in the abdomen and I also spent a month at my parents house where my dad, who is a chiropractor, worked on breaking up the scar tissue as well. I think that the work that my dad did and continuing the physical therapy here in Ohio, I should be able to regain my ability to eat and eat enough. I may never be able eat like I used to but to be able to survive on my own is my goal and I can deal with the rest.

I hopefully will be updating my blog with some of the activities we did over the past couple of months so you can see more of my cute kid's faces. Thank you all again for your love, support and prayers in my behalf and for my family.

I created this video for SMAS awareness day and as reminder that even though my year was spotted with hospital visits, that's all it was: spotted. The rest of the canvas was covered with a lot of joy and good memories.

Friday, January 1, 2016


2016. In some ways you couldn't get here fast enough but in other 2015 will be a year that I will never ever forget.

2016. There is a lot of hope for you to be an amazing year, between what we have planned and the fact that I'm starting to feel better, you have a really good chance of being fantastic. 

2016. I am excited to experience your ups and your downs.

2016. I here to stay. 2015 tried to get rid of me but it didn't know my strengths.

2016. I know I can get through anything you have to throw at me because I have my husband and my girls by my side. 

2016. I know we have some big things happening this year but you will not break my faith, strengths or spirit. If 2015 couldn't do it you can't either.

2016. You are a new year, I am a new me. 30 hasn't looked better. 

2016. Let's just get along and play nice. It will be better for all involved that we work as a team. 

2016. Here we go!