Sunday, September 29, 2013

8 years down eternity to go...

 This day we celebrated our 8th anniversary. It is hard to believe that this picture was taken 8 years ago. Things sure have changed for us since that day and I wouldn't change a thing. 
I'm so grateful to have this man in my life! He truly completes me and I'm grateful for how much he loves me.
 This year we got a baby sitter the Friday before our anniversary and went to out to dinner. It was nice to have some us time and eat some good food.
Happy anniversary Sean and to many more years ahead! 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

BYU football

Here in the Dahlin house hold, we bleed blue and try to watch every BYU football game. Since we don't have cable or a flat screen TV many games were spent like this:

I made Maia a BYU shirt and she sported it every game (not that she had much choice).

(Excuse the OSU shirt on a BYU game day. We went to an OSU football game that day but I promptly changed when I got home)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Snoozing and cruzing

This is one of those rare moments where Maia actually fell asleep in Sean's arms. I had to snap a couple pictures of the two of them snuggling and napping.

Maia has become quite the cruzer and gets pretty much where ever she wants to go.

Here she used Sean as a step to crawl onto the couch.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Frozen Strawberries and how to eat a banana

I don't particularly care for messes, like most people, and when I can avoid or control the mess I shoot for that option. It was a hot day and Maia was teething so I decided to give her a frozen strawberry in this little mesh bag thing, designed for chewing on. She loved it but as you can tell from the pictures it made a bit of a mess. 

This is one of those messes that I could have avoided but she was exploring and learning about bananas, so I decided not to take it away. I had been feeding her a banana that had been put in the fridge, (hence the color of the peel), and had put it down on the table when I went into the kitchen to grab something. I came back and this is what I found.
I did try teaching her the right way to eat the banana but every time I would try to flip it around she would get upset and flip it back over. She learned quickly that the black part of the banana doesn't taste very good.

She was pretty happy with herself when she finally got to the meat of the banana.

Thank goodness for bibs and washcloths!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

OSU Football game

On September 7th we were given tickets to go watch an OSU Football game. This stadium is HUGE!
This stadium hold 106,000 people and it is quite the atmosphere.

We were very lucky to be able to sit in the shade the whole time because it was a hot day!
I think the half time show was the best I have ever seen! This game was OSU alumni band day they had so many people on the field it was quite amazing.

They did a game show theme half time show and it was against Buckeye fans and Michigan fans. 
For those of you who don't know Michigan is disliked greatly by OSU.

The famous scripting of Ohio.
A little selfy.