Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Puerto Rico Day 6

Today started off with saying goodbye to Sean, then surfing and hanging out in the water. At 11 in the morning the sun is so warm and it keeps frying my skin even though I've been putting on the sunscreen. While I was out catching some waves, Maia stayed to catch some zzzz. It was very nice of Michelle to watch her while I was out having fun in the sun. 
When we got back it was time for Sadie to be picked up preschool and for Maia to have some tummy time. Maia really likes being on her stomach these day and is working hard to move more.
This video is of Sadie dancing for Maia and Maia laughing at Sadies moves.

While we were waiting for the boys to get back from school, I received a phone call from Sean letting me know that he had missed his flight. The drive that should have taken him 1.5 hours ended up taking him 3.I felt so bad for him and can imagine the stress he was feeling! After looking at all the options, if he flew out tomorrow, United wouldn't charge him for the change and he would just have to spend the night. I ended up booking a hotel room for him and he will be spending one more night in San Juan before the takes off tomorrow to fly home. 
Once the boys got back from school we got ready to go to Crash Boat beach. This beach is definitely my favorite so far for many reasons.

First they have this delicious item which is barbecued chicken, smothered in bbq sauce.   

Next they have great sand for playing in.
The waves are just right for playing in, (even though this one looks like its about to crash down on Jackson).

The water photographs amazingly.

The sand here is so nice you could sleep in it.

Beautiful sunsets!

This beach is tucked away with the mountains closing in around it. The pier in this picture is a great place for jumping and diving off into the beautiful blue water. From the end of the pier you can take in the whole beauty of this beach. It was raining slightly when we went out on the pier and just at the right moment the sun came out lighting up the beach and casting a beautiful rainbow across the mountains. At that moment I really wished I had my camera but I also thought about how truly beautiful this world is. There is so much beauty in nature and I'm so grateful for this opportunity to take time to enjoy the majestic views this part of the world has to offer.    

Maia was pretty tired to I guess this beach is a good place for her to sleep too.

The other side of the pier.

This pier is home to lots of little crabs.

The sun was starting to set just as we were leaving and as I snapped this photo, which I feel is an iconic beach shot, I felt truly grateful for my life right now.

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