Sunday, September 20, 2015


It has been really fun to watch my girls grow and start to see them play together. This week they have really started playing and interacting. The funnest thing to watch is them playing "hide and seek". It really just consists of Maia running around a corner and Kassia following her. Maia turns around and they both giggle and Kassia runs away. 

There was a moment this week that I will never forget. I was resting on the couch and the Maia and Kassia were playing with some toys. I realized that it quiet but there was soft chatter coming from Maia. They sat there on the floor for about 30 minutes, just playing together. It was magical. I look forward to more of these moments. 

As for me, I feel like I'm at a bit of a stand still. I thought I was starting to improve and then I caught a nasty cold/flu bug. Hopefully I can kick this soon so I can get back to feeling better! All in all though I can't complain to much I have two beautiful girls, who keep me motivated each day, and life is good. 

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