Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mothers Day week

I have hesitated to post about this but as it seams to be something that I will be dealing with for a while, I feel like I should share. Since august of 2013, I have been dealing with a stomach problem that causes me to throw up a lot. Before I became pregnant, I went through a bunch of testing to try to figure out what was causing me to vomit. It was a couple weeks after my colonoscopy and endoscopy that I found out that I was pregnant. I also found out I had a bacteria in my stomach which they thought was causing the vomiting. For unknown reasons, I stopped throwing up just in time to get morning sickness. I threw up a little with the morning sickness but nothing compared to what I was doing before. Luckily I was able to gain some weight, keep playing basketball and I had more energy. In January I started throwing up again, right after I just got over the morning sickness. Since I was in my second trimester, the Dr felt it was safe for me to treat the bacteria. I did a two week course of antibiotics and once that ended it seamed to help and the throwing up seamed to go away for a couple more months.

In April after I returned home from visiting my family, the throwing up came back in full force. This time it was here to stay. I started loosing weight and getting dehydrated. By the beginning of May I was really starting to struggle with the dehydration and it started to cause contractions. One night I started having a lot of contractions so I called the Doctor and they told me to head into the hospital to get it checked out. 

Once I got there, I was pretty out of it. I knew I needed some fluids but the nurses and Dr's just wanted to monitor me and my contractions. They did the whole work up, blood, cervical check, fetal monitoring, ext. They waited for the blood work to come back, and it seamed like forever before they decided to give get me an Iv. The nurse came in and said that they were going to get me some fluids then the er Dr was going send me home. The nurse was about to start my Iv but had to go get some different tubing but she didn't come back for a really long time. When she finally did come back, she informed me that the er doctor didn't have the authority to send me home and that my Dr wanted me admitted. So they started the Iv and wheeled me over to the pregnancy high risk wing. They started me on some medicine to help with nausea, which made me really dizzy. I have to say I do not like the phenergan Iv mix they give. That stuff was awful! They also ran 4four bags of potassium because my levels were low. They ran it over the course of the night but it sure made my arm burn. 

After that night I started to feel a bit better but they wanted to figure out why I was vomiting since it didn't seam to be pregnancy related. They didn't want to send me home yet till they could figure out a way to help me not vomit. I was Sean by multiple doctors and residents trying to help figure out what was going on. It was kind of ironic because I was talking to two GI residents who were asking me about my vomiting and on asked what the vomiting was like and as I was explaining mid sentence, I started to throw up. They sure got a good picture of what was going on. 

While I was in the hospital, good friends of ours, Aryn, took care of Maia for Sean and I. It was very comforting to know that Maia was in good hands. She absolutely loves Aryn's daughter and here are some pictures that were sent to me to let me know she was ok.


I absolutely love this picture and it brings me to tears even now. It warmed my soul to have Maia visit me, even though she was really unsure about why was going on and I think it scared her a little to see me in the hospital. Once she got pasted hat she warmed up enough to give a little snuggle time, which was exactly what I needed at that moment. 

Sean was so amazing! He brought her to see me every day I was in there. The nurses weren't sure when I was going to be discharged because the Dr weren't sure what was going on. My contractions had become a lot farther apart once I was more hydrated so the OB Dr's weren't as concerned about premature labor but they weren't coordination with the GI Dr's. They ran some more blood work, had me do a couple of ultrasounds, one of the baby and of my liver/gall bladder. Finally they said they once they could get a stool sample then I would probably be allowed to go home. Since it was Mother's Day weekend I really didn't want to be spending Mother's Day in the hospital, I really wanted to be with my family at home. Luckily I was allowed to go home Sunday morning. 

This doesn't really show much but this was my Iv site. It did a number to my veins and left me pretty bruised. 

This was taken Sunday night.

The next day, Sean took Maia to the park to allow me some resting time.

Sean was so nice to help take care of so much and I'm very grateful for all he has done for me and Maia. 

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