Friday, May 23, 2014

Chicago Day 2

The next morning Brenton hung out in our room for a little bit while Maria and Mitch got ready and got the twins ready. 

This is Maia trying to give Brenton a kiss. He wasn't too sure of it.

After breakfast we filled up Maria's van and headed down town to check out the town. 

Downtown Chicago.

They had these cool water features along the road and there were a bunch of kids playing in the water.

I guess you can rent bikes

These water towers displayed faces and they changed and moved. It was cool and a little creepy at the same time.

The next stop was this cool mirrored shape bean called Cloud Gate. We had a lot of fun taking pictures in the distorted shape. 

This is an outdoor theater in Milennium park.

Maia love the flowers and wanted to touch all of them.

While in the park we found a nice bench to rest on while Maria fed the babies and Mitch and Sean chased around the little ones.

Just a few pictures of Maia running around and exploring.

The skyline, mixed with the tops of strollers.

We then went to eat lunch at a classic pizza shop in Chicago. 

We were lucky that it was a nice enough day for us to be able to eat outside with our crew. I don't think we would have been able to eat there if we would have gone inside. The pizza was pretty good, with its biscut like crust and yummy cheesiness. 

After lunch we headed back to Maria and Mitch's van so we could go back to hotel to get our car and head home. I had such a good time and it was so nice to see Maria and her family. It was exactly what my heart needed, maybe not my body but it was good for my soul. On the way home I was pretty out of it, due to dehydration. We called the nurse on the way home and she told me that I needed to get some fluids down or to go to the nearest hospital. Well there was no way I was going to go to some random hospital so we stopped and got a slushy and I pretty much slept most the way home. The next day we decided to go to the hospital to get some fluids. They kept me here for a few hours, monitored the baby, got me some fluids and then sent me home. Even though the trip was physically taxing, I'm glad we went and would do it again. 

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