Friday, January 1, 2016


2016. In some ways you couldn't get here fast enough but in other 2015 will be a year that I will never ever forget.

2016. There is a lot of hope for you to be an amazing year, between what we have planned and the fact that I'm starting to feel better, you have a really good chance of being fantastic. 

2016. I am excited to experience your ups and your downs.

2016. I here to stay. 2015 tried to get rid of me but it didn't know my strengths.

2016. I know I can get through anything you have to throw at me because I have my husband and my girls by my side. 

2016. I know we have some big things happening this year but you will not break my faith, strengths or spirit. If 2015 couldn't do it you can't either.

2016. You are a new year, I am a new me. 30 hasn't looked better. 

2016. Let's just get along and play nice. It will be better for all involved that we work as a team. 

2016. Here we go!

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