This year for the the 4th of July, we decided to take it pretty easy in the morning. We were invited to go to a BBQ at Sean's classmates house in Granville, which is about 45 minutes away from our place. It was nice to have a place to go and not have to worry about doing anything big.
We were asked to bring a dessert and that turned out to be a fiasco. I started with making homemade Ice Cream but the recipe I followed only made enough for like two people even though the recipe said it would feed 10. So I quickly made a lemon cake. Well the lemon cake was taken out of the oven too soon so it fell apart when I tried to take it out of the pan. Desert failure number 2. Third time is the charm right? Well I was trying to figure out what I could do and decided I would make some whip cream from a can of coconut milk that I had. I would then cut up the done parts of the cake and make a trifle. I forgot that the cream needed to be chilled to whip. So it didn't turn out at all. I already had added sugar to it so I blended up some blueberries and mixed those in. I then cut up the cake and drizzled the mix on top. It didn't look pretty but Sean said it tasted good. I guess that's all that matters
Maia had a lot of fun playing with the kids that were at the party. They had a lot of fun playing in this sandbox.

Greg (Sean's classmate) had a couple of cats and Maia thought that the cat really needed to have the pink ball in her hand.

Lunch with friends.

Kassia had a fun time cruzing around the camping chairs.
Once we got home, the girls were pretty grumpy becuase they had missed their naps. They had fallen asleep in the car but it wasn't long enough for them. Maia was alright but Kassia was really fussy. We just hung out for a little bit then put Kassia down to bed. I had bought some popper fireworks and after Kassia was alseep, Sean and Maia had a good time popping them.
Around 10:15 pm Sean and I snuck out of the house to watch the fireworks we could see from the side yard at our aparment complex. It was really fun to see the fireworks and then also see the fireflys lite up the feild around us. That was a perfect ending to close out our 4th.
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