I know every mother says "I can't believe (enter name here) is (enter age) already! Where has the time gone. They are growing so fast!" I totally feel that way today. This last year has definitely been an interesting one and not what I would have imagined at all for my second child or for my 29th year of life for that matter, but Kassia has been a huge blessing through all of this. She is a sweet baby, who really has been pretty easy going. By this point she has lived half of her life in Ohio and the other half in Utah. I'm so grateful for all the help we have received this past year and for all those who have been such a part of our lives.
The day started off pretty chill with just hanging around the house. I worked on cupcakes and getting things ready for a BBQ we were putting on later that evening. Around 12 we had a quick Skyping session with Grandma and Grandpa Dahlin and Aunt Mel. They really wanted to watch Kassia open a gift and eat her B-day cake.
Skyping time. Mel is on the phone and the Grandparents are on the Ipad. |
She opened her computer first (with the help of Maia). |
Cake Time!! |
She was not a fan of the cake! She didn't want anything to do with it. |
Maia didn't mind helping her eat her cake. |
"Why did you make me try that. Now I'm all messy." |
After nap time we loaded up the car and headed to Fancyburge Park for a little BBQ for Kassia.
Maia is such a cheeser. These three girls were sitting at the Picnic
table and she puts her arms around them both to give them a hug.
Kassia really enjoyed just hanging out, eating her food and watching everyone mingle.
The party and the park.
Taking a minute to capture a moment with the birthday girl.
We tried the cake again but she really wasn't sure about it.
After a couple tries she decided she was done and didn't want anything to do with the cake.
Katie and Kassia.
Kassia and Rebecka.
Maia was an animal. She was everywhere and anywhere she could be. She took advantage of the fact that there was a playground and people to play with. Maia is pretty social and she loved being able to run and play for a few hours.
I was really glad we asked people to bring their camping chairs because there wouldn't have been enough places for everyone to sit. We had perfect weather and under the tree cover we couldn't have asked for a better place to have this gathering.
Sean did an amazing job cooking the food and I heard really good reports on the how the meat was cooked.
After the food, some of the adults went over to the shuffle board court and started playing. It was nice for them to have this option and, although it is random for a park to have shuffle board court, it was entertaining and something they all enjoyed.
Kassia and Katelin.
We didn't get home till about 8:30 so we quickly bathed the girls and then opened the gifts she was given at the party and from her family.

All and all it was a very good day. Some milestones for Kassia: she is still wearing 9 month cloths but seams to be growing just fine. She is definitely going to be a red head. She does everything with her right hand. She is a good eater and like pretty much anything we give her. She still takes a bottle 3 times a day. Her favorite food is probably frozen Peas but that is being quickly replaced by chicken. This girl loves chicken. She is a solid crawler and loves to cruse around the couch and the walls. She is really close to walking and has even taken a step or two. She just isn't quite confident enough to just take off. I expect in the next week or so she will probably be taking more. She has 6 teeth, 4 on the top and 2 on the bottom but I think she may be teething and having a 3rd come through on the bottom. She is a pretty good sleeper at night and usually will sleep from about 7:30 to 7:00. She like to wake up and start squawking till Maia is awake. They like to yell at each other. It would be cute if we didn't want to keep sleeping but I am grateful for the sleep she does give us.
Again I feel so incredibly blessed to have this beautiful child in my life and to be her Mother. She adds a great dynamic to our family and she love her sister. I can't wait to see what the next year will bring.