Saturday, April 18, 2015

Life is precious

Life is so very very precious and I have been reminded of that fact several times over the past few years. When it is gone, it's gone. There is no getting life back. There are many of us who have brushes with death and it put things in perspective, but then life continues on. It never stops moving.

I have thought a lot about how one person's life can affect so many little things. Most of us have a much bigger impact on other's lives then we ever give ourselves credit for. I think about Maia and her life. If she would have come when we first started trying to have children, she would be 8 years old now instead of 2. When I think about the joy that she brings to those around us, I know she is impacting their lives. She may not be remembered by many as we move from here but maybe her smile or one of her sweet hugs changed someones mood for the day, which in turn changed the way their day was which may have impacted the life of someone else. I know that sounds a little bit like the butterfly effect but I really do believe that we have impact on others more then we know.

I know my life would be different if Maia would have come 8-9 years ago. I would not be the person I am today with out the challenge of infertility, which lead me down paths that I would have never imagined and have given me friends I would have never made. Sure I would have made others but this was the direction my life was supposed to take to help me learn and grow.

Our lives also have an impact on the generations to follow us. This last few years have changed me physically, mentally, spiritually, and philosophically. Because of those changes, it has directly impacted the way that I parent my children. They will not remember me being sick or the stress that it has put on our family but because I was sick it has changed the way that I parent and the things that are important to me. It has helped me to pick my battles and try to put the most important things first. Because of this it will effect the way that my children grow up and eventually raise their families. 

Over the past few weeks there have been quite a few tradgeties that have occerd that have altered the course of friends and family members lives. One friend from my past has left this earth from an internal struggle that finally conquered her and she leaves behind two beautiful children, one only being 5 months old. Another tragety deals with the choices a family memeber made which has completly altered his life. He has lost his freedom and with that he has lost the power to enjoy the beauty of this life. 

My heart aches for them and the loss of what could have been, the joy they could have had, and the positive impact they could have had on the world. Both futures were very bright at one point but the diseases of the mind ultimatly won the battle, and for one, the war. 

I do not understand the power that adiction and depression can have over the actions of someone and I don't pretend to. I have only delt with depression very momentarily throughout my life but it was always fleeting and never a mainstay. I do know though that I have dealt with a lot that could effect my emotional well being but have been blessed with being able to stay fairly possitive through it all. It is not one of my life challenges, right now, but I want to be there to help those that are struggling. No one is ever truly alone. There is always someone who cares. Our Father in Heaven loves us unconditionally, no matter what we do, no matter how far gone we are, we are still his children and he loves us. We are special and have the ablitiy to impact this world of ours for the better, even if it is through the small acts of living our daily lives. Our live are of imesurable worth. We just have to see that for ourselves and see how our lives can change the lives of those around us today, in the future and for generations to come. 

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