Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Passing the Winter hours

 The girls like to hang out in our basement and playing. Kassia is a little mother and loves to tote around the baby dolls.

Maia likes to swing. We have a swing hanging from the rafters and they love having the option to swing in the winter time. 

Twinkle Toes

On Maia's 3 year check up the doctor was concerned about the amount of toe walking that she was doing. He suggested that we get her into some physical therapy to help with the toe walking as it can cause the ligaments and muscles in the leg and ankles to develop wrong. So we have done about 6 sessions of PT and Maia loved going.


She had so much fun running around and doing her exercises. These are pictures of her pt. 

Now every time she sees the Nationwide Children's hospital butterflies she automatically says, "My Physical Therapy!"