On Tuesday I had an appointment with my surgeon Dr. Glasgow, to go over the results of my CT scan. While we were there, he informed me that according to the radiologist my CT scan came back normal, but Dr Glasgow felt that the balloon that is attached to the inside part of my GJ-tube maybe too big and causing a blockage to my pyloric valve (the outlet of the stomach). This balloon holds about 10ml of water and that amount can be adjusted from the outside. He felt it would be worth a try to deflate the balloon a little and see if it was what was causing my vomiting. Dr. Glasgow didn't seam positive that it would work, so a gastric emptying study (it tests the motility of the stomach) was set up for the 31st.
At this point I felt it was worth a try. After everything I have been through it seamed like too easy of a fix but it really didn't hurt anything to try. As we were getting ready to leave the appointment, Dr Glasgow said he was hoping that this would work for me but if it did, I would be a first for it to work. Not the biggest vote of confidence there but I have learned from this experience that my body doesn't always act in the typical way.
On the way home from the appointment I was still pretty nauseous and I wasn't sure if removing 4ml from the balloon was going to help. I had been extremely nauseous the whole day and even ended up throwing up quite a bit in Dr Glasgow's office. Brittany had had the day off and on our way to the appointment dropped Maia and my nephew off to hang out with her for a few hours. We ended up meeting them at Ikea, where we picked up Maia. Brittany had bought a lot of dinner for the kiddos and had a bit of chicken and frys left over, which she gave to Sean and I. Even though I was nauseous I was still hungry so I decided to try some of the french fries. To my surprise they stayed down! I ended up eat quite a few and although it probably wasn't the best food to try first, it was amazing that I didn't end up throwing them up. To this point I hadn't been able to even keep a 1/4th of a cup of liquid down and was throwing up gastric juices when I didn't eat. So to be able to eat anything and not throw it up was a bit of a shock. That evening I had some gatoraid and a couple other little things and they stayed down too. I knew the really test though would be then next morning.
In the morning, I had a carnation's breakfast drink, about 8 oz and before I would throw that up pretty quickly. On Wednesday I only ended up throwing up about an once and even that didn't happen right away. I was still a bit nauseous but once I turned my tube feeds off, my nausea started to go away. I think, because my J tube had been placed funny in my intestines, it was irritating my stomach and causing me to be nauseous. Wednesday I was able to eat and keep most of what I ate down!
Since then, I haven't had to run my tube feeds since Wednesday night, I went out to eat lunch on Thursday (the first time in a really long time that I have been able to eat out), and I have been able get enough calories so I don't need my tube feeds. I'm still working on making sure I get enough fluids but most of that is retraining myself to know that fluids are good for me now. I been throwing up for so long and liquids have been the biggest offenders that I now have to retrain my way of thinking and remind myself that when I'm thirsty, it is ok to drink and that it is ok to drink more then 1 or 2 ounces at a time.
My Thursday Lunch.
All that was left when I was done! This is a big deal! Granted I probably ate too much of it because I did feel a bit sick after but I didn't throw up!
Maia and I having lunch together :)
I feel like I have experienced another miracle. I have had a few miracles happen to me since I have been sick and this is for sure one of them. I am so very grateful to have the doctors that I have. That Dr Glasgow didn't over look the size of the balloon because it's not common and it would be way too easy. He wasn't afraid to look at the easy answer first.
These last few weeks have really been hard, more emotionally I think then physically because it is hard to be sick again after receiving hope that you might be getting better. I was doing so well for 3 week and then all of a sudden I was sick again. I had surgery to fix the vomiting, ended up have a serious complication, having a second surgery, and was doing well. The vomiting returned and it almost made it seam like everything I had been through was done in vain. I wasn't better and was facing a diagnosis of something that has no cure and I would be left living with the vomiting for the rest of my life. It was to be completely honest very daunting and a bit depressing.
It has been 5 days since the balloon was deflated, and I feel better then I have in a long time. I am able to eat and I have more energy. I feel like I have been given my life back and for that I am extremely grateful. Now I'm not back to being 100% yet as I have to watch how much I eat and my intestines are getting used to handling more food again as they haven't had to work this hard in over a year and a half. I still have a long road to recover fully from this but although my vomiting could return, I feel like, for now, I have been fixed. The surgery was a success and it has been worth it all.
Thank you all for all the fasting and prayers that have been said on my behalf and for all the positive thoughts that have been sent my way. They truly have been felt and have helped me get through this difficult time. I have felt so much love and kindness from everyone that when I stop and think about how many people truly care about me, I get a bit over whelmed. All of this has made me realize that I have been given so much, have been so blessed and miracle do happen.